Hi my name is Deborah and I am originally from Australia, I have citizenship in the United Kingdom, as my Grandfather was from Scotland. I am an experienced counsellor and neuropsychotherapist, having 20 years of experience working in the field. I use a blend of therapies from different psychological approaches so that I can provide a unique and individually tailored service that is best suited for people's needs.
I work with individuals, couples and children. I am available in the daytime and evenings up to 8 pm. I am a registered member of the British Association of Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP) and the Australian Counselling Association (ACA) and abide by their ethical framework. I also Supervise counsellors.
Bachelor's degree in Behavioural Science, Psychology and Counselling
Post Graduate in Neuropsychotherapy
Professional Counselling Supervisors Certificate
Masters in Consciousness, Spirituality and Transpersonal Psychology
Certifications of additional training
Acceptance and Commitment therapy boot camp
ACT advanced training 12-week course
ACT Mindfully: acceptance and commitment therapy level 2
ACT mindfully: acceptance and commitment therapy level 1
Altered states of consciousness healing
Anxiety, panic, OCD, phobias and PTSD treatment therapy
Art as therapy training
Attachment and play therapy
Basic principles of mental functioning
Becoming a Reflective Practitioner
Behavioural therapy
Bereavement, Grief and loss counselling
Between mindful and wandering brain
Bipolar spectrum: bringing evidence to practice
Brain and neuroscience
Building confidence with people who have experienced childhood abuse
Chakra systems in therapy
Child and adolescent psychopathology
Clinical Counselling
Cognitive Behavioural therapy
Compassion fatigue and burnout
Creative and emotional conflict therapy
Counselling and the brain
Counsellors, Subpoenas and cross-examination
Cultural competence in practice
Deep brain systems
Developing the therapeutic and professional self through reflective practice
Dialectical behavioural therapy
Dissociative Identity Disorder
Emotionally Focused Therapy
Essentials of Psychosynthesis
Healing spiritual emergence
Health care and relaxation course
HIV Support Counselling
How the ego survives
HIV Support Counselling
Interactive drawing therapy
Introduction to the brain
Kabbalistic studies and symbolism
Love Bites, domestic violence and sexual assault facilitators training
Love Bites train the trainer program
Micro skills in therapy
Mindfulness, neuroscience and attachment theory
Motivational interviewing
Neuro-behavioural mechanisms
Neuropsychotherapy defined
Neuroscience and memory
​​Neuroscience of psychotherapy
NLP, Hypnosis and timeline therapy master level
​NLP, Hypnosis and timeline therapy
Person-Centred Therapy
​Principles of Psychosynthesis
Personal development and self-awareness
Philosophical, mindfulness and meditation training
Positive psychology
​Psychological needs
Recognising, screening and assessing complex trauma
Recognising spiritual emergence
Relationship counselling
Road map to recovery, healing childhood institutional sexual abuse
​​​​​Sand play training
Sand-play therapy training level 1
Sand-play therapy training level 2
Shark cage training
Sitting with the shadow
Stop the anger go around, practical and powerful techniques
Suicide bereavement narratives
Suicide, from myth to understanding
The ageing brain
The developing brain and the neuroscience of memory and trauma
​​The divided brain
The myth of finding happiness after success
The social brain and the neuroscience of relationships
Therapy and the brain
​​​Understanding and responding to the sexual behaviours of children and adolescents